These are some pictures that I took and put together to show the action. You can click on them and see them larger if you'd like.
Outside the plaza all the vendors were out, so Susan had some Ceviche de Camarones and I had a Serrano Ham sandwich. MMMmm...
Sebastian Castella was one of the matadors who did very well, and after his second bull he walked around the ring while everyone gave him a standing ovation. He's the one on the far left in the picture:

For exceptional performances, matadors can be awarded an ear, two ears, or two ears and the tail. By the end of the six bullfights, two of the matadors had done very well, being awarded two ears each. Here is a picture of Miguel Angel Perera on the left and Sebastian Castella on the right, taking their final bow:

After we left the Plaza, we walked around for a bit and snapped this picture of a plane flying in for a landing at the airport, just about a quarter of a mile from the Plaza.
We walked around for a while and then made our way to a big grocery store and took the bus back to the house. Wow! What a day!

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